
The Friends Center (gray building in foreground) in July. Stillwater meetinghouse is the brick building at the top of the hill to the right. There is a brick walkway in front of the Friends Center that
goes between the meetinghouse and Olney Friends School.

The Friends Center is a retreat and conference center for exploring Christian unprogrammed Quakerism and its meaning today. Rooted in Ohio Yearly Meeting and its tradition of hospitality for spiritual seekers, Friends Center is a place where we can explore, articulate and share a faith that is both unprogrammed and Christian. While this faith draws on the experiences and writings of earlier Friends, we seek to express it in ways that are appropriate to the language and conditions of our own time. Our intention is to learn together from the living presence of Jesus Christ, whom we experience teaching us directly from within, through the Scriptures, and through one another.

In addition to hosting several weekend events each year, Friends Center is also available for groups and individuals who need space to retreat.